Based on our experience and customers needs we generate data models for embeded Cognos reporting for any kind of application using SQL such as ERPs, CRM, Hosting management, Industrial Dashbords, Maintenance EAM optimisation, Industry & Manufacturing, Transportation, Laboratories, Banks, Trading, Insurance etc…
Do not wait, take the best of Cognos Analytics now !
Our Data Models are not only compliant with standard SQL DataBases but also on very larges configurations such as Teradata Financial Service Data Model. In such intensive analytics infrastructure we boost Cognos response time, optimize performance and make Cognos even more efficient and easy to use.
Auto-generated Data Model is embracing the whole Maximo Data Base complexity allowing a complete and clear view of your EAM activity.
Cognos Analytics is embedded in Maximo offering, just use it !
Ask for a demo built on the Maximo demo DB using 4 different languages, labels, etc… and imagine your EAM future reporting and control.
Plug & Play reporting and monitoring for Laboratories Information and Management Systems (LIMS) used in any kind of industry such as : healthcare, biotech, pharma, consumer goods, manufacturing, energy, research, etc… Targeted for best of breed industries requiring a very accurate monitoring to minimize losses and speed up production. Highly flexible to fit the never ending changes…
Each ERP like solution integrates multiples processes to manage the business and operations. Most of them are personalized to your needs, but how are you sure that different processes are fully compliant with each others and calculating the same way ? Cognos Plug & Play for your ERP
Each time your Data Base structure is updated for any reason such as a new business request, your Data Model can be updated immediately to fit the new business needs.
Upgrade to a new Cognos main version is always a huge work on top of usual one and seen with no real added value. We consider smooth migration is the opportunity for automation, reporting optimization, clean and update old reports,